Top Tier™ Gasoline

I emphasis the importance of using quality gasoline in your cars/trucks. I recommend my customers make sure they are only using
Top Tier™ gasoline.
(Not to be confused with the grade/octane of gasoline 87, 89, 91.) Most cars/trucks call for the use of 87 octane and some performance cars call for a higher octane. (You can find this information in your owner’s manual.)Most gas stations in my area carry only Top Tier™ gasoline. But it’s worth checking to make sure the station you visit uses Top Tier™ certified brands.
In the past few years Top Tier™ gasoline has become more important with the introduction of Gasoline Direct Injection engines (GDI), also Turbo Charged engines. The problem has been with
carbon build-up on intake valves,
pistons and intake pathways. Top Tier™ gasolinehelps prevent/minimize the carbon build-up.
Direct Injection has to do with the location of the fuel injectors in the engine. With Direct Injection the fuel injector sprays gasoline directly into the combustion chamber, as opposed to spraying gasoline into the intake stream/intake manifold ahead of the combustion chamber. More and more cars are being manufactured with Direct Injection and Turbo Charging.
The purpose of Direct Injection is it results in increased gas mileage and engine performance. The down side is carbon build-up on intake valves and combustion chamber which if severe enough causes major problems with engine performance and at times internal failure. I have seen case studies presented at clinics confirming these issues with carbon build-up.
Below websites for more information about Top Tier™ gasoline. Here you’ll be able to determine if your brand of gasoline is certified Top Tier™ and see the brand logo to identify at the pump.
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